This article will run you through how to view video responses that haven't passed the QA process, after being assessed by our reviewing team.
1. If you're not logged into the Voxpopme portal, head to to login.
2. Click on the project that you'd like to view the video responses of.
3. Select the filters drop down button on the grey options bar and select 'Declined' is 'True'.
4. This will allow you to view all video responses that haven't passed the QA level that has been set on the project. The differing QA levels can be viewed below - this can be altered in the project setup;
QA Level - Strict
- The respondent must speak for a minimum of 15 seconds
- The respondent's face must be clearly visible
- The respondent must be clearly heard
- The response should not contain any inappropriate language
- The respondent makes a valid attempt to answer the question being asked
QA Level - Moderate
- The respondent makes a valid attempt to answer the question being asked
- The lighting/sound quality may not be great, but you can hear and see the respondent
- The respondent may speak for less than 15 seconds, as long as they are answering the question
QA Level - Relaxed
- The respondent is making a valid attempt to answer the question being asked
- The respondent may speak for less than 15 seconds, including one-word answers, as long as they are answering the question
- The respondent does not have to be in fully shot (they can either film themselves or film the product)
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