Our global search capabilities enable you to search for keywords and phrases across all of the responses within your account. This article will run through some of the pro tips you can use to unlock the full power of your search.
Searching for a phrase
By entering a keyword or phrase in the search bar at the top of the platform, you are able to view all of the projects, showreels (previously Lists), and responses that match phrase entered. When searching within responses, the system will return all of the responses where the search term is in either the transcripts, additional data, or any tags added.
When entering a phrase, the system will search for responses where all the words entered have been mentioned, however, not as an exact phase. Taking the example of Nike shoes, the system will return the responses where 'Nike' and 'shoes' were mentioned.
Searching for an exact phrase
When searching, if you would like to search for an exact phrase, simply add quotation marks around your search term. The system will then only return the results that match exactly. For example, searching for "Nike shoes" returns only the responses that match the phrase.
Searching for multiple phrases (AND)
If you're interested in viewing responses where multiple keywords have been mentioned, you can add an AND in between each word. There's no limit to the amount of keywords you can search for at one time.
A mixture of words and exact phrases can be added into the search bar.
Searching for multiple phrases (ALL)
Alternatively, if you're interested in viewing all of the responses where specific search terms were mentioned, enter an OR in between each word/phrase. This will return any of the responses where any of the words/phrases appear within the transcripts, additional data, or tags.
Searching for multiple phrase groups
By using the OR function, you can define keywords or phrases that are interchangeable/substitutes for each other. Using this in conjunction with the AND function, you can build up groups of phrases you are interested in, and then view the responses that mention any combination of those keywords/phrases.
For example, the below search is returning results that contain either the brand "Herbal Essence" or "Pantene", and the respondent is either talking about "shampoo" or "conditioner". The first result shows a response where the respondent has mentioned Pantene shampoo.
Whereas in the next response, the respondent has mentioned Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner.
Searching for a keyword but excluding another keyword
You may be searching for a keyword that is contained within a phrase. For example, searching for 'burger' but not mentions of 'Burger King'. Alternatively, you may want to view responses where a keyword/phrase is mentioned, but not when a different keyword/phrase is also mentioned. For example, viewing all of the responses where respondents are talking about shampoo, however excluding any respondents that mention a brand like "Herbal Essence".
To achieve this in the search bar you can enter a minus symbol before any keywords/phrases you would not like to be included.
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