The capture widget is available in the following languages:
- Afrikaans (af_ZA)
- American English (en_US)
- Amharic (am_ET)
- Arabic (ar_AE)
- Bengali (bn_IN)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
- Bulgarian (bg_BG)
- Burmese (my_MM)
- Catalan (ca_ES)
- Chinese Simplified (zh_CN)
- Chinese Traditional (zh_TW)
- Czech (cs_CZ)
- Danish (da_DK)
- Dutch (nl_NL)
- English (en_GB)
- European Portuguese (pt_PT)
- Filipino (fil_PH)
- Finnish (fi_FI)
- Flemish (nl_BE)
- French (fr_FR)
- German (de_DE)
- Greek (el_GR)
- Gujarati (gu_IN)
- Hebrew (he_IL)
- Hindi (hi_IN)
- Hungarian (hu_HU)
- Indonesian (id_ID)
- Italian (it_IT)
- Japanese (ja_JP)
- Kannada (kn_IN)
- Latvian (lv_LV)
- Lithuanian (lt_LT)
- Malaysian (ms_MY)
- Marathi (mr_IN)
- Mexican Spanish (es_MX)
- Norwegian (nb_NO)
- Polish (pl_PL)
- Punjabi (pa_IN)
- Romanian (ro_RO)
- Russian (ru_RU)
- Serbian (sr_SP)
- Setswana (tn_ZA)
- Sinhala (si_LK)
- Slovakian (sk_SK)
- South Korean (ko_KR)
- Southern Sotho (st_ZA)
- Spanish (es_ES)
- Swahili (sw_KE)
- Swedish (sv_SE)
- Tagalog (tl_PH)
- Tamil (ta_IN)
- Thai (th_TH)
- Turkish (tr_TR)
- Ukrainian (uk_UA)
- Urdu (ur_IN)
- Vietnamese (vi_VN)
- Welsh/Cymru (cy_GB)
- Xhosa (xh_ZA)
- Zulu (zu_ZA)
Language variants can be easily applied. All you need to do is add the country code, displayed in brackets next to each country, to the Voxpopme URL by adding “loc”: “[locale_code]”.
For example to view the widget in Swedish:
"settings": { "locale": "sv_SE" }
Get in contact with the Voxpopme team if you would like the video capture widget available in a language that has not been specified above.
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