When embedding the video widget in a survey, additional data should be passed through to the Voxpopme platform in order to be stored against each response. Additional data can be anything from respondent ID, supermarket choice, demographics or even answers to previous questions within the survey. All additional data is searchable and filterable within the portal.
Data can be structured (e.g name/age) or unstructured (e.g the respondent's category usage or survey responses). This additional data provides context when watching the video content, and becomes filterable. For instance, the researcher might want to filter on category usage (Light, Medium or Heavy) when analysing video data.
Structured Data
This data is recognised by the system and will be automatically integrated into the platform. The following keys can be used in the query string:
- birthday_date_formatted (the format should be YYYY-MM-DD)
- first_name (string)
- last_name (string)
- gender (string either 'male' or 'female')
- hometown_location_city (string)
- hometown_location_country (string)
To pass additional data through to the portal within the embed code, you can use the embed setup wizard to insert your parameters. This will populate the embed code, as highlighted below:
var vpm_widget_config = {
"project_id": "bcd6da23c281d9085cd98c756fa11ccc",
"settings": {
"locale": "en_GB"
"additional_data": {
"first_name": "[first_name]",
"hometown_location_city": "[hometown_location_city]"
!function(a,b,c,d){function e(){var a=b.createElement(c);
a.type="text/javascript",a.async=!0,a.src=d;var e=b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];
You will need to replace to square brackets with how you pass through additional data within your system.
Use the additional data toggle to view the parameters that have been passed through to the portal. This is how the structured data will be passed through into the portal:
Note - if you would like the Map function to work in the portal, ensure you are passing through hometown_location_city and hometown_location_country
Unstructured Data
Examples of unstructured data are category usage, segmentation name, respondent ID or answers to previous questions in a survey.
This data is stored and shown to the user accessing the portal against each response. Any key value pairs can be passed and stored. This data by default will be stored as a string. The data will be searchable within the project page in the portal.
Please note: when attempting to pass through respondents' previous survey answers, only answers up to the point that the video widget is placed and the respondent has recorded their video response can be passed through to the VPM platform.
User ID
One of the most important pieces of unstructured data to pass through to our system is the respondent ID number. Most researchers will want to know which of their respondents successfully recorded an approved video and who did not.
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