1. Log in to the Voxpopme portal.
2. Once in your account, select the projects tab and then Create Project.
3. Select the Create Video Question option.
4. Next you'll be taken to a page where you can enter all of the relevant project details, see example image below.
5. NOTE: The Expiry Date only affects the ability to collect responses. You will still have access to the project once it expires, and you can reset the expiry date if you need to extend the project.
6. Choose the primary language(s) from the list available; if a non-English language is required, please refer to your rate card, or get in contact with your Voxpopme contact for any information.
7. Keywords can be entered via Transcript Keywords as well which might help to ensure the transcription is more accurate. Such things as brand names, holidays, names, and products are useful to include.
8. Select Create Project.
9. Check all of the details, and select Submit.
10. You should now be on the Capture Widget Setup page which can be used for generating an example javascript snippet to add to your platform/webpage or the provided Javascript example included below could be used and replace [project-id] with your Project's Project ID. Example below - note this will differ dependant on the platform you require -
var vpm_widget_config = { project_id: "[project-id]", settings: { locale: "en_GB" }, disable_next_button: function() { // Insert disable 'Next' button appropriate to your survey platform here }, enable_next_button: function() { // Insert enable 'Next' button appropriate to your survey platform here } }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { // Insert the appropriate disable next button function for your survey platform // your_checkbox is your survey platform's class for selection a checkbox var checkbox = document.getElementsByClassName("your_checkbox")[0]; checkbox.onchange = function(){ if (checkbox.checked){ // Insert disable 'Next' button appropriate to your survey platform here } else { // Insert enable 'Next' button appropriate to your survey platform here } } }); !function(a,b,c,d){function e(){var a=b.createElement(c); a.type="text/javascript",a.src=d;var e=b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(a,e)}a.attachEvent?a.attachEvent("onload",e):a.addEventListener("load",e,!1)} (window,document,"script","https://capture.voxpopme.net/main.js");
11. Navigate to the Project details tab to find the Project ID. Your Project ID is the string of letters and numbers after the last slash in the URL shown on the page. Example of what a project ID might appear as: "2cbdaf2b8f505682a10c602d56abe5b5aab3712"
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