At Voxpopme, we strive to make the exploration and analysis of video as pain-free and scalable as possible. When viewing a single project, multiple project, or video responses that match a search term you've entered, check out the Overview tab! The Overview tab displays a handful of widgets, uncovering prominent topics, trends, and video summaries of your content. The help article will walk you through each widget.
Auto-video summarisation
First off, check out the auto-video summarisation widget. Here, you can skip the manual process of picking out videos for your next showreel. Instead, the platform will automatically generate a video summary covering the most important topics discussed by respondents. Plus, it’s responsive, so will adapt based on the responses you’re currently viewing, and any filters set.
How it works - our system will review every sentence from every response you've selected to view. In the background, similar sentences will be grouped together to form clusters. Within each cluster, sentences will be ranked, and our system will extract the sentence that best represents the others in each cluster. We will extract the corresponding video clip to each sentence to form a short video summary.
Top Picks Themes
Next to the auto-video summary, you’ll see a collection of themes that have automatically been detected. Here, themes are displayed in order of relevance and importance to your video response selection, as opposed to simply the most mentioned. Clicking on a theme tile will update the video summary to reflect the theme selected, revealing key insights into each topic in seconds.
Select 'Explore this theme' to view all of the video clips where respondents discussed the theme that's been selected. Furthermore, delve into Theme Explorer by selecting 'View all themes' and view the topics we've automatically detected.
Word Cloud
Below is a visual display of the most mentioned keywords and phrases, based on your current video response selection. By selecting a word or phrase from within the Word Cloud, you will be redirected to view just the responses where the word/phrase was mentioned.
Sentence Based Sentiment
Next to the Word Cloud, check out the Sentence Based Sentiment widget. This displays a percentage breakdown of the positive, negative and neutral sentences, based on your current video response selection. Hover over each segment within the chart to view the count of sentences and percentage of sentences. By clicking on a sentiment segment, you will be directed to view the responses that contain the chosen sentiment.
Additional Data
To the right of the Sentence Based Sentiment widget, you'll spot the Additional Data widget. This will visually display any additional data points you may have captured along with your video responses, for example quantitative survey answers or demographic profiling. Use the dropdown in the top right to select the additional data key you wish you view.
Hovering over each segment in the chart, the count of responses and percentage of responses will be displayed. By selecting a segment from within the chart, you will be directed to view the responses that match your chosen additional data key.
Project Details
When viewing a single project, at the bottom of the Overview Dashboard, you'll spot the Project Details widget. This provides a brief breakdown of your project: the date/time the first and last response was captured, the project status, the amount of responses received/required, the question asked, as well as easy access to the Project's ID and Ident.
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