Our Auto-summarisation feature uses a TextRank algorithm. The TextRank algorithm for the automated summarisation of text uses an established algorithm to obtain the most important keywords and phrases/sentences within a document.
Voxpopme's system will take the text from all the responses you are currently viewing - whether that may be all of the responses within a particular project or based on the filters you've set. Next, that text is split out at sentence level for assessment. The system will then calculate a mathematical representation of each sentence within the text, and compare each sentence to each other sentence within the text. Similar sentences are clustered together, outlining the most common trends that are represented in the text.
Then, the system will rank the sentences within the cluster for which best represents the cluster. As we have the time codes for each word within the transcript, we can then retrieve the video clips associated with the most representative sentences. These clips are stitched together to create a video summary.
The whole process happens within a matter of seconds, and is completely reactive to the filters you set, including any predefining of the theme you would like to explore.
Top Picks
Another feature available through Voxpopme are Top Picks. As with auto-summarisation, our advanced thematic engine will retrieve the most frequently mentioned keywords and phrases/sentences within the system. Theme Explorer by default ranks these themes in order of frequency. The system will take all the themes identified for this project, and compare those to each other theme that’s ever been identified within our system, to understand the uniqueness and importance of each theme for this particular project. The themes displayed by the auto-summary will show the top 18 Top Picks. Each theme tile will display a count of responses and mentions of the theme, as well as the sentiment breakdown. Select a theme to view an automatically generate summary for just that theme. Click 'Explore this theme' to view all the snippets where this theme has been mentioned.
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