Who will my video be seen by and how will it be used?
Before you record your video response, check out the "Usage information" displayed on the question details screen.
This tells you how your response may be used by the brand asking the question. The options are either ‘Internally’ or ‘Publicly’.
Internally your response will be watched only by the brand and their associates e.g. agencies and organisations involved with the brand for market research and consumer insight purposes. The Influence team may also watch your video as part of our commitment to monitoring quality.
Publicly if this is also shown then the brand are stating that they may wish to use your response (or snippets of it) publicly, which is limited to use on websites or social media pages. However it is not limited to the websites and social pages belonging to the brand. The Influence team may also watch your video as part of our commitment to monitoring quality.
Responses may be used Internally and Publicly. By recording and submitting a video response, you are agreeing to it being used for the purposes stated on the Usage button.
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